Saturday, November 24, 2018

Track 2: Oncology and Cancers

#Oncology is a branch of #medicine that involves the #prevention, #diagnosis and #treatment of #cancer. #Cancer is a class of #diseases which are  characterized by uncontrolled #cell #growth with the potential to spread to all other parts of the body and leads to formation of lumps or masses of #tissue called #tumours (cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the #blood stream, only in the case of #leukemia). #Tumours grow very rapidly and interfere with the #digestive, #nervous, and #circulatory systems and release #hormones that fluctuate the function of the #body. #Cancer is the major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 #deaths in US.
Please do submit your #abstracts and #register to explore more about #Oncology and #Cancers. For more details, do visit:

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