Friday, March 22, 2019

World Hematology 2019: Do you know?

Today we’ll get to know the answer for the most common severe inherited bleeding disorder in humans. So, let’s go…
What is a bleeding disorder?
Bleeding disorders are a set of conditions that occur when blood can not clot properly. The reason behind the improper blood clotting is because of the proteins which are missing out. Deficiencies of other clotting factors and platelet abnormalities can also cause bleeding disorders. The most common reason to get affected with these kinds of disorders be genetics (inherited from family).
So, here we have the answer for the question. Let’s get to know the answer now, here we go….
The most well-known severe inherited bleeding disorder is Hemophilia but it is relatively rare. The most common inherited bleeding disorder is von Willebrand disease (VWD) in America (almost, all over the world), but, it is less severe when compared to hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Research shows that as many as 9 out of 10 people with VWD have not been diagnosed.
Hemophilia is classified into 2 types based on the type of clotting factor which is lacking and they are:
  • Type A: The person with this type of disorder lacks clotting factor VIII and this is the most common type of hemophilia caused.
  • Type B: The person with this type of disorder lacks clotting factor IX and it is usually less common.
There are 3 main types of VWD and they are:
  • Type I: This is the most common form and people with this type of disorder have low von Willebrand factor (VWF) and it is usually mild.
  • Type II: This is caused because of the defect in the VWF structure and there are different Type II defects. It is usually moderate.
  • Type III: This is caused when the people have very little to now VWF. This is the most severe form.
To get to know more about hematology/ oncology, join us on July 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy. To know more, PS: 

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